Sumikko Gurashi
Toy Packaging
This project is a packaging redesign for plushy toys from Sumikko Gurashi.
Individual Project
2022 Fall, 3 weeks
Packaging Design (RISD)
Packaging Design; Branding; Prototyping; Visual Systems; Electronics
Solidworks; Illustrator;
Sumikko Gurashi (すみっコぐらし) is a set of fictional characters produced by the Japanese company San-X. The name roughly translates to “life in the corner”. The characters are all social outcasts in one way or another. They feel most safe in corners of the space.
This project focuses on the character Tokage (とかげ ) which is an aquatic dinosaur who poses as a lizard to avoid being captured. It was separated from its mother, but they later reunited. It was the fifth Sumikko to arrive at the corner.
Place Of Sale
Sumikko toys are popular among both Asian and western countries. Sold mostly in San-X retail stores and online.
This packaging design gears towards physical retail stores where people are able to interact with the environment the toy is displayed.
Design System
Interior Pattern Design
Exterior Pattern Design
Top Pattern Design
Switch To Light Up
Final Design
Sliding Door
The sliding door is designed half closed to display the toy. User can slide the door to open the packaging.
Press To Light Up Tokage’s Home
Packaging is powered by a replaceable coin cell battery that lights up the interior of the box.