DRUMØ1 Is An AI-Powered Drum Machine

Team Project
2023 Spring, 5 weeks
Interaction Intelligence (MIT)



Artem Laptiev (MIT)


Industrial Design; Electronics; Prototyping


Solidworks; Illustrator; Laser Cutter; 3D Printing; Arduino; Google Magenta

As a team, we collaborated on the brainstorming and integration of the prototype. I worked primarily with hardware/electronics design. My responsibilities include sketching, CAD modeling, fabrication, and visual design.


DrumØ1 generates digital rhythms based on simple user inputs while providing control over individual creativity.

DRUMØ1’s brain is powered with Drums-RNN by Google Magenta

One-Line Pixel Interface works with Drumo1 to visualize the beat pattern.

Background Pixel


System Diagram

Product Diagram

There are 9 channels, each associated with a primary drum instrument. Users may choose a channel to input a custom beat into.


I brainstormed different interaction touchpoint configurations, trying to understand the most accessible and intuitive layout according to the device workflow

While exploring the overall product architecture, I explored different interaction modes with the individual components, aiming to make it fun, experimental, and easy to control

Initial Prototype

Cardboard Prototype

Circuit Prototype

Integrated Model

User Testing

We tested the breadboard and integrated prototype with different users to get feedback on

  • the overall device configuration

  • Capacitive input experience

  • Other Input Features (rotary encoder, red wheel for micro-adjustment of tempo)

User Feedback

Users liked the overall device configuration and the mechanical feedback of the buttons. However, they did not like the capacitive touch as a beat input, and felt that rotary encoder is too slow for tempo adjustments.

Sheet Metal Housing Construction

Button Configuration

Indicator Lights

Exploded View

What do DJs Think?

  • “I see a lot of potential in improvising beats on the spot”

  • “It will be much easier to use with a more precise temp adjustment”

  • “It is a fine balance between preserving the artists’ individual creativity and AI creation”